Pensions Committee - Wednesday 13 December 2023, 10:00am - Start video at 0:04:01 - City of Wolverhampton Council Webcasting

Pensions Committee
Wednesday, 13th December 2023 at 10:00am 









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  1. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
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  1. Ian Smith
  2. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  3. Cllr Bally Singh
  4. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
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  1. Rachel Brothwood
  2. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  3. Malcolm Cantello
  4. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  5. Simon Taylor
  6. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  7. Malcolm Cantello
  8. Rachel Brothwood
  9. Malcolm Cantello
  10. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  11. Malcolm Cantello
  12. Rachel Brothwood
  13. Malcolm Cantello
  14. Rachel Brothwood
  15. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
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  1. Paul Nevin
  2. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  3. Cllr Leslie Kaye
  4. Paul Nevin
  5. Cllr Leslie Kaye
  6. Paul Nevin
  7. Cllr Leslie Kaye
  8. Paul Nevin
  9. Cllr Leslie Kaye
  10. Paul Nevin
  11. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  12. Cllr Bally Singh
  13. Paul Nevin
  14. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
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  1. Shiventa Sivanesan
  2. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  3. Cllr Bally Singh
  4. Shiventa Sivanesan
  5. Cllr Bally Singh
  6. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  7. Cllr Asha Mattu
  8. Cllr Carol Hyatt
  9. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  10. Shiventa Sivanesan
  11. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
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  1. Chris Manning
  2. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  3. Malcolm Cantello
  4. Cllr Asha Mattu
  5. Chris Manning
  6. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  7. Chris Manning
  8. Malcolm Cantello
  9. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
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  1. Rachel Howe
  2. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  3. Cllr Carol Hyatt
  4. Rachel Howe
  5. Cllr Carol Hyatt
  6. Rachel Howe
  7. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
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  1. Simon Taylor
  2. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  3. Mr Luke Davies
  4. Cllr Bally Singh
  5. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  6. Simon Taylor
  7. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  8. Cllr Bally Singh
  9. Simon Taylor
  10. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  11. Rachel Brothwood
  12. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  13. Cllr Paul Singh
  14. Simon Taylor
  15. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  16. Simon Taylor
  17. Cllr Paul Singh
  18. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  19. Simon Taylor
  20. Cllr Paul Singh
  21. Simon Taylor
  22. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  23. Simon Taylor
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  1. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
  2. Malcolm Cantello
  3. Simon Taylor
  4. Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
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  1. Webcast Finished
No profile image available for  Rachel  Howe
Head of Governance & Corporate Services
No profile image available for  Chris Manning
Head of Finance
West Midlands Pensions Fund