Council - Wednesday 26 February 2025, 5:00pm - City of Wolverhampton Council Webcasting
Wednesday, 26th February 2025 at 5:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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The Mayor
David Pattison
The Mayor
Faith Leader .
Agenda item :
1 Apologies for absence
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The Mayor
Agenda item :
2 Declarations of interest
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David Pattison
The Mayor
Agenda item :
3 Minutes of previous meeting
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Agenda item :
4 Communications
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The Mayor
Agenda item :
5 Our City: Our Plan Refresh 2025-2026
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Cllr Stephen Simkins
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Philip Bateman MBE
The Mayor
Cllr Jacqueline Sweetman
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Stephen Simkins
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Evans
The Mayor
Cllr Stephen Simkins
The Mayor
Agenda item :
6 Our Future Council - Final Budget Report 2025-2026
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The Mayor
Cllr Louise Miles
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
Cllr Andrew McNeil
The Mayor
Cllr Philip Bateman MBE
The Mayor
Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal
The Mayor
Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal
Cllr Wendy Dalton
The Mayor
Cllr Wendy Dalton
Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal
Cllr Wendy Dalton
Cllr Chris Burden
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
Cllr Chris Burden
The Mayor
Cllr Chris Burden
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Evans
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Evans
The Mayor
Cllr Qaiser Azeem
The Mayor
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
The Mayor
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
The Mayor
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
Cllr Wendy Dalton
The Mayor
Cllr John C Reynolds
The Mayor
Cllr John C Reynolds
Cllr Simon Bennett
Cllr John C Reynolds
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
Cllr John C Reynolds
The Mayor
Cllr John C Reynolds
The Mayor
Cllr John C Reynolds
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
The Mayor
David Pattison
Cllr John C Reynolds
The Mayor
Cllr Paul Singh
The Mayor
Cllr Stephen Simkins
The Mayor
Cllr Stephen Simkins
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
Cllr Stephen Simkins
The Mayor
Cllr Robert Maddox
The Mayor
Cllr Robert Maddox
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
Cllr Simon Bennett
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
The Mayor
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
The Mayor
The Mayor
David Pattison
The Mayor
Cllr Sohail Khan
The Mayor
Cllr Sohail Khan
The Mayor
Cllr Andrew McNeil
The Mayor
Cllr Louise Miles
The Mayor
Cllr Louise Miles
David Pattison
The Mayor
David Pattison
Cllr Obaida Ahmed
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Qaiser Azeem
Cllr Philip Bateman MBE
David Pattison
Cllr Simon Bennett
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Ciaran Brackenridge
Cllr Greg Brackenridge
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Paul Brookfield
David Pattison
Cllr Chris Burden
Cllr Alan Butt
David Pattison
Cllr Jennifer Cockayne
David Pattison
Cllr Jacqui Coogan
Cllr Jonathan Crofts
David Pattison
Cllr Lovinyer Daley
Cllr Wendy Dalton
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Ben Evans
Cllr Steve Evans
Cllr Valerie Evans
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Jane Francis
The Mayor
Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal
Cllr Sally Garner
Cllr Sally Green
Cllr Jeszemma Howl
The Mayor
Cllr Jasbir Jaspal
Cllr Jaspreet Jaspal
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
The Mayor
Cllr Rashpal Kaur
The Mayor
Cllr Sohail Khan
Cllr Lamina Lloyd
David Pattison
Cllr Robert Maddox
Cllr Barbara McGarrity QN
Cllr Andrew McNeil
David Pattison
Cllr Louise Miles
Cllr Muhammad Nasim
David Pattison
Cllr Leigh New
Cllr Rita Potter
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr John C Reynolds
Cllr Stephen Russell
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Zee Russell
David Pattison
Cllr Stephen Simkins
Cllr Anita Stanley
David Pattison
Cllr Jacqueline Sweetman
David Pattison
Cllr Iqra Tahir
David Pattison
Cllr Gillian (Jill) Wildman
The Mayor
Agenda item :
6 Our Future Council - Final Budget Report 2025-2026
Share this agenda point
The Mayor
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Simon Bennett
The Mayor
Cllr Wendy Dalton
Cllr Steve Evans
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Obaida Ahmed
The Mayor
Cllr Paul Singh
The Mayor
Cllr Anita Stanley
The Mayor
Cllr Anita Stanley
Cllr Steve Evans
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Evans
The Mayor
Cllr Anita Stanley
The Mayor
Cllr Anita Stanley
The Mayor
Cllr Stephen Simkins
Cllr Anita Stanley
The Mayor
Cllr Anita Stanley
The Mayor
Cllr Anita Stanley
The Mayor
Cllr Anita Stanley
The Mayor
Cllr Anita Stanley
The Mayor
Cllr Anita Stanley
The Mayor
The Mayor
Cllr Steve Evans
Cllr Steve Evans
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
The Mayor
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
Cllr Steve Evans
The Mayor
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
The Mayor
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
The Mayor
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
The Mayor
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
Cllr Sohail Khan
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
The Mayor
Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal
The Mayor
Cllr Stephen Simkins
The Mayor
Cllr Leigh New
The Mayor
Cllr Chris Burden
The Mayor
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
The Mayor
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
The Mayor
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
The Mayor
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
The Mayor
Cllr Stephen Simkins
The Mayor
Cllr Stephen Simkins
The Mayor
Cllr Louise Miles
The Mayor
David Pattison
The Mayor
Cllr Obaida Ahmed
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Qaiser Azeem
David Pattison
Cllr Mary Bateman
Cllr Philip Bateman MBE
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Simon Bennett
Cllr Ciaran Brackenridge
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Greg Brackenridge
David Pattison
Cllr Paul Brookfield
Cllr Chris Burden
David Pattison
Cllr Alan Butt
Cllr Jennifer Cockayne
David Pattison
Cllr Jacqui Coogan
David Pattison
Cllr Jonathan Crofts
David Pattison
Cllr Lovinyer Daley
David Pattison
Cllr Wendy Dalton
Cllr Jasbinder Dehar
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Ben Evans
Cllr Steve Evans
Cllr Valerie Evans
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Jane Francis
Cllr Bhupinder Gakhal
Cllr Sally Garner
David Pattison
Cllr Sally Green
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Celia (CeeCee) Hibbert
Cllr Jasbir Jaspal
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Jaspreet Jaspal
Cllr Milkinderpal Jaspal
David Pattison
Cllr Rashpal Kaur
David Pattison
Cllr Lamina Lloyd
David Pattison
Cllr Robert Maddox
David Pattison
Cllr Barbara McGarrity QN
Cllr Andrew McNeil
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Louise Miles
Cllr Muhammad Nasim
David Pattison
Cllr Leigh New
Cllr Rita Potter
David Pattison
Cllr John C Reynolds
Cllr Stephen Russell
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Anita Stanley
Cllr Jacqueline Sweetman
David Pattison
David Pattison
Cllr Iqra Tahir
Cllr Gillian (Jill) Wildman
The Mayor
Webcast Finished
- Minutes , 29/01/2025 Council, opens in new tab
- Minutes of Previous Meeting, opens in new tab
- Council report - Our City Our Plan Refresh, opens in new tab
- Our City: Our Plan Refresh 2025/2026, 19/02/2025 Cabinet, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 for Our City: Our Plan Refresh 2025/2026, 19/02/2025 Cabinet, opens in new tab
- Our Future Council - Final Budget Report 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Our Future Council - Capital Programme 2024-2025 to 2028-2029 Quarter Three Review and 2025-2026 to 2029-2030 Budget Strategy, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Capital Strategy 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 - Detailed projected budget, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - Detailed forecast change, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 - Projects requiring approval, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 - Virements for approval, opens in new tab
- Appendix 6 - Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Treasury Management Strategy 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 - Annual Investment Strategy 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - Prudential and Treasury Management Indicators 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 - Annual MRP Statement 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 - Disclosure for Certainty Rate 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Appendix 6 - Treasury Management Policy Statement and Treasury Management Practices February 2025, opens in new tab
- OFC - 2025-2026 Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 - Our Approach and Guiding Principles, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 - Budget Pressures and Savings, opens in new tab
- Appendix 3 - Corporate Resources, opens in new tab
- Appendix 4 - Budget Preparation Parameters, opens in new tab
- Appendix 5 - Savings already approved, opens in new tab
- Appendix 6 - Savings approval in this report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 7 - Savings approved but subject to an IEDN, opens in new tab
- Appendix 8 - Saving approved via existing delegations, opens in new tab
- Appendix 9 - Savings approved but subject to a further report, opens in new tab
- Appendix 10 - Budget by Service, opens in new tab
- Appendix 11 - Council Tax 2025-2026 by band, opens in new tab
- Appendix 12 - Collection Fund Estimated Outturn 2024-2025, opens in new tab
- Appendix 13 - Reserves Strategy, opens in new tab
- Appendix 14 - Final responses to Budget Consultation, opens in new tab
- Appendix 15 - Budget Book 2025-2026 Full Council, opens in new tab
- Our Future Council - Collection Fund and General Fund Resources Update 2025-2026, opens in new tab
- Conservative Group Alternative Budget 2025-2026, opens in new tab